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Friday, April 2, 2010

The Countdown Starts............

I am not sure whether i am strong on English or not but when i came to know about the current count of Tigers, i was shocked and that compelled me to write a blog.
Nature has given us everything whatever we need, in a systematic stage. But in return what we have given the nature? Smokes,tree cut downs,Pollution and many more negative unexpected stuffs.
But now the time has came to wake up because if still we won't worry about nature then every thing will be ruined as we can clearly see it.......
Its not about Tigers or Leopards and jungles but its all about us. Earth is our home planet and if we are not going to think about our home then who else will??????
Day-to-day we come to know about the natural disasters taking place around the world According to NASA global warming has increased unexpectedly that causes the melting ice at the poles, Ice reflects the sun rays into the space and as the ice is melting the reflection is reducing that cause increase in temperature and the increase in temperature causes more frequent melting means the more ice melts their melting rate increases i.e. melting rate of ice is directly proportional to the decreasing amount of ice at poles.
I know while reading this you will say that you know all these things.I know you know even more that me, but this is not about our I.Q. or G.K. but its all about us and our planet. Save not only Plants or animals but even avoid misuse of natural resources............
Thank you

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